Research Interests
- Skills: CV, SLAM, VIO, MSF, HPC
- Fields: XR (AR, VR, MR), Robotics (Mobile Robot, Autonomous Driving, Drones)
AlgDS: Data Structures and Algorithms
cvkit: Computer Vision Kit
imu_x_fusion: IMU + X(GNSS, 6DoF Odom) Loosely-Coupled Fusion Localization based on EKF(ESKF, IEKF), UKF(UKF/SPKF, JUKF, SVD-UKF) and MAP(GN, LM)
rgbdslam_cg: 根据高翔博客《一起做RGB-D SLAM》,从零搭建 RGBD-SLAM
msckf_stereo_c: Stereo MSCKF based on MSCKF_VIO without ROS and 3rd Parties like Eigen, OpenCV, PCL, etc.
ARDemoGL: AR Demo based on ROS and Pangolin
CardDemoQt: Card Management Demo with Qt5
ZigBeeSCADA: SCADA Software for Sending to and Receiving Datas from ZigBees to Monitoring and Controling ClassRooms’ Devices
multi_agent_visual_tracking: based on the CamShift visual tracking and Image Stitching algorithms on the platform of MultiAgent Control
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